Blizzard Plows was bought out by SnowEx Products a division of Douglas Dynamics. We have been a Blizzard Dealer since 1999. We still carry a variety of Blizzard Parts and can still get parts for your Blizzard Snow Plow.


The Power Plow is the most efficient plow on the market by 30-50% over a V-Plow and a Straight Blade. The Power Plow is made in two different sizes a 8100 and a 8611. The 8100 goes from 8 foot to 10 foot. The 8611 Power Plow goes from 8 feet 6 inches all the way out to 11 feet wide. The plow controls are just as simple as a straight blade. The Power Plow has 4 unique ways of plowing snow compact mode for traveling, Scoop mode for carrying snow, extended into the widest straight blade on the market for back dragging and wind rowing each wing independently. The Power Plow is the most versatile efficient plow on the market.


The Speed Wing is the simplest efficient plow on the market. You can put a beginner with this plow and still out plow a V-Plow and a Straight Plow. The Speed Wing is made in one size the 8600 which is 8 feet 6 inches wide and is the only plow on the market that stays at 8 feet 6 inches no matter how you move the plow. It stays at full width in scoop position and the same full width when you angle the plow both ways as well. We like to call this plow the KISS plow which stands for Keep It Simple Stupid plow.


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